Avery Lakeman headshot

Avery Lakeman

Project Designer

Avery joined the Brooklyn Studio in the Spring of 2024. She earned her Master of Architecture from the University of California Berkeley in 2023, and she holds a Bachelor of Sustainable Environmental Design from Berkeley which she received in 2020. During her undergraduate degree she was also a member of Cal’s NCAA Women’s Soccer team.

Prior to joining the Brooklyn Studio, Avery worked for Neuhaus Design Architecture in Brooklyn, where she was first introduced to, and quickly enamored by the brownstone housing type. Avery has also worked on Civic and Commercial projects in Canada for Dialog Design, and contributed to urban planning and policy solutions which shape the Bay Area when she was a student intern at SPUR.

Avery proudly hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In her free time, she enjoys trail running, bike packing, and wood working.

The Proust Questionnaire

Taking inspiration from a popular nineteenth-century parlor game, we sat down with each member of our team and asked them a few questions about their inspirations and aspirations.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Pond Hockey with my family, things are competitive but no tears yet.

What is your greatest fear?

Motorcycles that use the bike paths.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Nice boots.

What talent would you most like to have?

Being tall enough to pinup without a stool.

What is your favorite color?

Prairie sky blue.

What is your favorite virtue?

Generosity of spirit.

Which living architect or designer do you most admire?

Niall McLaughlin.

Which dead architect or designer do you most admire?

Anni & Joseph Albers.

What is the trait that you most appreciate in a building?

Substantialness, or heft.

What is your favorite type of project to work on?

Any fabrication project with my partner in crime.

Who is your favorite author?

Edith Young.

Who is your favorite artist?

Guim Tio & Dolly Parton.

What is your most treasured possession?

My family.

Where would you like to live?

The city of Brooklyn, in the country of Canada.

What quality do you most admire in others?

Quiet confidence.